Are you a leader who has a team that you want to see perform at their very best? Are you just getting started with a new team or leading a team for the first time? Then this program is for you! Dive into the trueU Leading Teams program and earn a certification badge for your personal portfolio.
You will have one year to complete the requirements for this program to earn the badge.
Program Requirements are:
1) Attendance to 3 live workshops: October 10th: Leading Teams Kickoff, November 1st: Leadership from Within, December 18th: Maximizing Team Performance.
2) Access to trueU app Leadership Lesson and Podcasts:
Watch: “Trust breakers at Work” and Five Ways to Praise Like a Champion,
Listen to: BLASTmedia Podcast: Relationships Matter How to build a collaborative culture
3) Completion of Individual Application Project Presentation
4) Using your social media account (Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn) and follow trueU (@wearetrueU)
You may take this class without participating in the Leading Team Badge Certification.
To participate, complete the two easy steps below: